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2025 Northampton Nighthawks Travel Tryouts


2025 Northampton Nighthawks Travel  Tryouts


We are pleased to announce Travel tryout dates and times for what will be an exciting, inaugural Northampton Nighthawks season. Our goal is to field multiple teams per age group so we encourage all to tryout and compete for a spot!


(You MUST register in order to try out - no fee to register)

Please note - this registration does not guarantee a spot on a travel team roster. Final team rosters will be announced in late October. 


Age Groups

7U - cannot turn 8 before 9/1/2025 (Developmental Program)

8U - cannot turn 9 before 9/1/2025

9U - cannot turn 10 before 9/1/2025

10U - cannot turn 11 before 9/1/2025

11U - cannot turn 12 before 9/1/2025

12U - cannot turn 13 before 9/1/2025


Managers Needed

If you are interested in managing one of our 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12-year-old Suburban Travel teams, please send an email to Brian Marriott ( & Jim Gallagher (  


In your e-mail, please include your phone number and a brief description of any factors you would like the Board to consider.


Tryout Dates, Times, and Locations

Sunday - 10 /13/2024

12s 10am-12p - Northampton - Diamond 4

11s 12:30-2:30p  - Northampton - Diamond 4

10s 10am-12p - St. Leonard's - Field 3

9s 12:30-2:30 - St. Leonard's - Field 3

8s 10am-12:00 - St. Leonard's - Field 2

7s 12:30p-2:30 - St. Leonard's - Field 2


Saturday - 10/19/2024

11s 10am-12p - Northampton - Diamond 4

12s 12:30-2:30p - Northampton - Diamond 4

9s 10am-12p - St. Leonard's - Field 3

10s 12:30-2:30p - St. Leonard's - Field 3

8s 10am-12:00 - St. Leonard's - Field 2

7s 12:30p-2:30 - St. Leonard's - Field 2


Google Map Links:

Northampton Township Recreation Center

St. Leonards Complex


What should I bring?

Players should be prepared with, at minimum, bats, helmets, gloves, and plenty of water.  Athletic supporter is encouraged (mandatory for catchers). Catcher’s should bring their gear - and all should bring their positive, competitive, can-do attitudes.


Remember - this is a competition - bring your “A” game and a winning mindset.



NOTE: This is taking you to CR Northampton's website to register - this is by design.


Exciting News: Preparing Our Little League Programs for a Better Experience



Dear Parents of CR Northampton Little League and CR Holland Little League,


We hope this message finds you well. We have some exciting news to share about the future of Little League baseball in Northampton Township!


After careful consideration, Northampton and Holland’s Board of Directors have ratified a multi-year roadmap which will result in an official merger of both programs.  This decision was made with your children’s best interests in mind, and we are confident that this change will bring many benefits to all of our players and families. Here are some of the key advantages:


1.   Increased Competition and Skill Development: Merging with another program means that our players will have the opportunity to face new competition, which is essential for their growth as athletes. It will challenge them to improve their skills and understanding of the game.


2.   Expanded Resources and Facilities: With the combined resources of two programs, we will have access to better facilities, equipment, and coaching staff. This means your child will benefit from enhanced training opportunities and a more comprehensive baseball experience.


3.   Larger Community and Social Opportunities: By merging, we are creating a larger community of players and families. This will provide more opportunities for social interaction, team bonding, and friendships that go beyond the baseball field.


4.   Balanced Teams and More Playing Time: With a larger pool of players, we can better balance teams to ensure that each child gets the most out of their playing time. This will help create more evenly matched games and a more enjoyable experience for everyone.


5.   Stronger Program for the Future: A combined program is more sustainable and better positioned for growth in the future. This means we can offer even more to our players in the coming years.


We understand that change can be challenging, but we truly believe that this merger will provide a more enriching experience for your child. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will provide more details in the coming weeks about what to expect.  


As a first step, our 2025 Travel programs will be combined for the upcoming season and our upcoming tryouts will likely produce multiple teams per age group. This allows us to pilot our new program and to make necessary adjustments for future seasons. In addition, a Merger Committee will be established, consisting of equal members from Northampton and Holland. As of now, our goal is to be a new, unified Little League program by Spring 2026.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you and your child through this transition and are excited about the positive impact it will have on our Little League community.


Thank you for your continued support!



Vince Barrilli

President, Council Rock Holland Baseball

Tom Cashman

President, Council Rock Northampton Baseball


Suburban Travel 9U player against Warwick.

Nolan J's first home run over the fence.



2024 Hit-A-Thon Results!

Batting cages purchased from previous hit-a-thons

Thanks to your efforts, our 9th annual Hit-a-Thon Fundraiser was a resounding success!  We raised a total of $20,091 and had 48% of the league participate in our efforts. 

A huge congratulations to the following top fundraisers and winners of our hitting competition:

The Top Fundraisers:


  • Finnegan Noble        $1,670

  • Dylan Witczak           $1,100

  • Jaxon Palilonis          $1,050

  • Jax Pfleger                $968

  • Jules Campanella      $735

  • Charles Clegg           $663

  • Jackson Stanhope     $590


  • NL/AL:                         Pirates   $980

  • A/AAA:                        Clippers  $2,200
                                        Bulldogs $2,065

  • Bambino/Rookie:        Cobras    $943

  • TBall:                           Spiders   $3,203

The Hit-a-Thon Champions:

  • NL:           Cole Melhuish          26 pts

  • AL:           Ryan Maloney          21 pts

  • AAA:         Nolan Joworisak      20 pts

  • A (Tie):      Mason Morales       13pts and

  • A (Tie):      Landon Jankiewicz 13 pts

  • Rookie:     Jagger Fisher          10 pts

  • Bambino:  Beau Fisher             12 pts

  • T-ball:       Joseph Lynch          12 Pts

Thanks for all of your efforts in making this event a success. 

Please come celebrate our success on June 1st at our Super Saturday Event, where will have playoff games taking place on all fields, and the following activities going on throughout the facility. 

  • A dunk tank - where kids and parents can plunge their favorite coaches

  • Slide

  • Velcro axe toss

  • Music

  • An adult softball game starting at 5:00 pm

  • Raffle of gift baskets donated by the Travel Teams


"Teaching perseverance, courage, and character through baseball."

District Tournament Teams

12YO - Manger Christian Korn

Acerba, Joey
Best, Jack
Clark, Will
Day, Logan
De Young, Redd
Englert, Wesley
Esposito, Jake
Joworisak, Spencer
Korn, Jaxon
Lavin, Bryan
Melhuish, Cole
Swartz, JJ

11YO - Manager Jeff Gessner

Barrett, Logan
Barrilli, Tripp
Branche, Cameron
Cannella, Michael
Gessner, Ethan
Groves, Mason
Holsey, Everett
Jude, Terzella
Luke, Vorgity
Nathan, Reifsneider
Noah, Walters
Phillips, Cole

10YO - Manager Brian Folz

Deacon, Zachary
Donahue, Jeffrey
Folz, Christian
Frey, Samuel
Hillman, Cole
Kelly, Chance
Lavin, Brody
Maloney, Ryan
Michael, Logan
Morales, Tiernan
Perry, Jude
Witmer, Ethan


Congratulations to the 2023 10YO District Team on winning the District 30 Championship!!!

Council Rock Holland Baseball

At Council Rock Holland Baseball, we strive to have our kids learn as much off the field as they do on the field.  We focus not only on teaching kids to play baseball, but through baseball, we teach our kids larger lessons about life.  Our primary goal is to foster, through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the qualities of citizenship, sportsmanship, discipline, and teamwork.  We strive to develop players who hold their heads low in victory and high in defeat. While we try to build skilled ballplayers, we care more about developing good citizens.  Our success relies on our players, coaches, and most importantly, the support of our community, families, and friends.

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Council Rock Holland Baseball

Phone: 215-860-2153


"Teaching perseverance, courage, and character through baseball."